March 2014

Your Last Spring Time at Trinity

Dear Class of 2014.

As I gather my thoughts to address you this March, I can’t help but think about how fast this, our last semester together, is waning. But don’t freak out!  You still have a chance (we’re nearly halfway after all) to make the most of it.  If you’re deciding what to do with the rest of your immediate life after college, by applying for internships, studying abroad, for graduate school, or to a national or international teaching program, keep in mind that doing things passionately gets you much further than simply just completing a task.  My hope is that whatever you decide to do after Trinity, you do it well and with your outmost effort/heart.  more>>

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal


        Once again, I find myself agreeing with our Class Marshal, Dr. Urquijo-Ruiz.  In particular, her notes on Trinity relationships and whether they will end or continue strike a chord with me.  My wife and I met at Trinity, dated there, and were married in my senior year.  Yes, we’re still together.  In fact, some of you met her working at the Alumni table for Countdown to Commencement (she was the nice one – I was the other one).

Not all of my friendships from Trinity have continued, though.  I’ve made new ones, many with Trinity alumni; I’ve kept some; and many have just died from disuse.  I was asked by a member of our class at Countdown about how to stay in touch with Trinity and Trinity people.  It struck me as a really good question to ask, and it prompted my thinking.  more>>

Geary Reamey

Alumni Sponsor

Hudson Taylor
March 24, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
Most straight people have gay friends, but becoming an ally who will stand up for LGBT friends in the face of disrespectful words and actions is a journey for most. Hudson Taylor--a straight, All-American wrestler--will share his journey of becoming an ally for the LGBT community. He'll talk about friendship, standing up for our friends, and making Trinity an even more welcoming community for everyone everywhere on campus. Plan now to hear his story on Monday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium. more>>

A Couple’s Quandry: “Do We Stay Together or Break Up after Graduation?”
The question of whether to continue or end a romantic relationship after graduation is anxiety provoking.  Both male-female and same-sex couples may avoid discussing the topic for fear of experiencing or causing painful emotions.  Indeed, having a conversation about the future of the relationship may generate some tension.  On the other hand, a discussion about where the relationship is headed may also create deeper intimacy in the relationship.  Either way, such a conversation is a necessary step in a relationship, regardless of the ultimate outcome.  more>>

Feeling Sleepy?
If you’re yawning today, or have been other days this week, it’s time for a sleep check-up.  Sleep deprivation is a common experience among college students, and the consequences are numerous, including impaired concentration, impaired mood, and suppression of the immune system.  In fact, getting adequate sleep is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health!  Check out the Harvard University medical school’s 12 tips for improving sleep here.   

Kerrville ISD 9th Annual Job Fair, March 1, 2014 (Saturday), 8-11:30 a.m., Tivy High School, Kerrville, TX
The Kerrville Independent School District is having its annual Job Fair at Tivy High School in Kerrville, Texas on Saturday, March 1 from 8-11:30 a.m. Come and meet with interviewers and learn more about working for the Kerrville ISD.

The James Madison Fellowship, Application due March 1, 2014 (Saturday), 5 p.m., Online
The James Madison Fellowship is recognized as the most prestigious award in the field of constitutional history and government for secondary school teachers. The purpose of this fellowship is to strengthen teaching of the history and principles of the Constitution by supporting masters-of-arts level graduate study for secondary school teachers of history, government, and social studies. Students wishing to apply or to learn more may visit

Deloitte On-Campus Interviews, Due March 14, 2014 (Friday), 5 p.m., Online
Deloitte is coming to Trinity on April 14 to interview accounting students for a Summer Tax Intern position and an Audit Intern position. You must submit your resume on TigerJobs by March 14 to be considered for an interview. Qualified students will be contacted to set up an interview time.

Ernst & Young On-Campus Interviews, Due March 14, 2014 (Friday), 5 p.m., Online
Ernst & Young is coming to Trinity on April 2 to interview accounting students for Spring 2015 and Summer 2015 Assurance Internship positions and a Spring 2015 Tax Internship position. You must submit your resume on TigerJobs by March 14 to be considered for an interview. Qualifying students will be contacted to set up an interview time.

DC Internships Summer 2014 Live. Learn. Intern., Application due March 18, 2014 (Tuesday), 11:59 p.m., Online
The Fund for American Studies in now accepting applications for Summer 2014 LIVE. LEARN, INTERN now through March 18. The academic internship program is based in Washington D.C. Each program includes courses for transferable credit from George Mason University, a guaranteed internship placement, furnished housing, a variety of guest lectures and briefings, as well as opportunities for professional development and networking. Visit TigerJobs to learn more.

Peace Corps Information Session, March 24, 2014 (Monday), 6-7 p.m., Tehuacana Room
Peace Corps Volunteers make a difference. Their service improves the lives of people in communities around the world, informs the global perspectives of Americans, and is a life-defining experience for Volunteers themselves. Volunteers receive practical benefits, learn new languages, gain leadership and international development experience. They work with their host countries as partners and friends. To learn more about this organization and the application process attend this information session on Monday, March 24, from 6-7 p.m. in the Tehuacana Room. R.S.V.P. via TigerJobs.

Midway ISD Job Fair, March 29, 2014 (Saturday), 8:30-11 a.m., Midway High School, Waco, TX
The Midway Independent School District is having its Job Fair at Midway High School in Waco, Texas on Saturday, March 29, from 8:30-11 a.m. For more information about the Job Fair and applying, contact Mary Lou Glaesmann, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, at 254-761-5611.

Crandall ISD Teacher Job Fair, March 29, 2014 (Saturday), 9 a.m.-noon, Crandall High School, Crandall, TX
The Crandall Independent School District is having its Teacher Job Fair at Crandall High School in Crandall, Texas on Saturday, March 29, from 9 a.m.-noon. Please bring copies of resumes and transcripts. All job fair participants will receive a brief interview and meet directly with CISD administrators. Advance online registration is preferred at

Did you miss Countdown to Commencement?  That’s okay.  We’ve compiled an online resource that will help prepare you for graduation.  Click the image below to reserve your cap and gown, order your class ring, see the Senior Week schedule and much more!  

Upper-class Breakfast
Join us the first Friday of every month in the Heidi Lounge from 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. for Upper-class Breakfast.  This month’s breakfast will be on March 7th.  Hang out with your fellow classmates, meet representatives from different offices like Residential Life, Career Services, and Alumni Relations, and best of all, enjoy free breakfast tacos.  Hope to see you there!

Saunie Schuster of NCHERM will be on campus at 6 p.m. on March 20 to discuss the Trinity University sexual assault policy. Location TBD. Sponsored by SGA, Greek Council, and the President's Office.

Spring Family Weekend
March 28-30, 2014
Spring Family Weekend is an exciting time for families to see your achievements after a year's worth of hard effort. The schedule of events during Spring Family Weekend spotlights students' talents and successes. Program highlights include: Friday Student Leadership Awards, Saturday Honor Awards Convocation and Trinity Spotlight Talent Showcase.

Click here for a full list of events. 

Trinity Spotlight
Trinity’s annual Spotlight Talent Show is coming up on Saturday, March 29, at 7:30 P.M. in Laurie Auditorium. The show will feature Trinity’s most talented students in a variety of acts. There will be free t-shirts given out to students. Check out the Student Programming Board’s Facebook page for more information.

ELERTS is the latest and greatest innovation in reporting real time alerts, online interfacing, GPS tracking and immediate response. Once you download the app on your smartphone, you can instantly report any unusual activity on campus, include a photo and send your message directly to our TUPD Communication Center. ELERTS also provides a “Virtual Escort” identifying your location in case of an emergency. Please take advantage of this "free" service and remember if you "See Something, Say Something."

Click to view instructional video.

Women’s History Month Events
Monday, March 3
5:30 p.m., Chapman Center Auditorium (room 126)
Travelling with the Travelling Theory, How the Term of Gender Travelled into China
Dr. Min Dongchao, Ruth McLean Bowman Bowers Visiting Scholar, focuses on the debate concerning the utility of ideas associated with ‘travelling theory’, ‘translation’, and how the theory and practice of gender travelled into China since the 1990s.

Monday, March 24
5:30 p.m., Coates University Center, Fiesta Room
LECTURE | Ruth McLean Bowman Bowers Event: The Role of Chinese Women in a New Form of Rural Society
Li Li discusses the challenges and opportunities faced by Chinese women as they create a new order of rural socio-economic lifestyle.

Trinity Diversity Connection’s Annual Taste of Diversity
Friday, April 4, 2013 at 3 p.m.
Place: TBD

TDC's Taste of Diversity is an opportunity to taste food from all around the world. Food will be from off-campus vendors! Come and join us for free cultural food, entertainment, and prizes!

Dining Services
Check out our newsletter to see upcoming theme nights and spirit lifters. We have a variety of events that should keep your dining experience fresh.

San Antonio Volunteer Effort
Thank you to everyone who participated in TUVAC’s San Antonio Volunteer Effort!

Breanna Willis and Tyesha Jackson stand beside a mural they painted at Lamar Elementary School.

Volunteers at the Basura Bash stand beside some of their findings from cleaning up a local waterway.