Health and Wellness March 2014

A Couple’s Quandry: “Do We Stay Together or Break Up after Graduation?”
The question of whether to continue or end a romantic relationship after graduation is anxiety provoking.  Both male-female and same-sex couples may avoid discussing the topic for fear of experiencing or causing painful emotions.  Indeed, having a conversation about the future of the relationship may generate some tension.  On the other hand, a discussion about where the relationship is headed may also create deeper intimacy in the relationship.  Either way, such a conversation is a necessary step in a relationship, regardless of the ultimate outcome.  

It is best to have ongoing communication with your partner about where the relationship is headed as graduation approaches for one or both of you.  Be compassionate in your timings (e.g., avoid having a conversation the day before an important exam), knowing that there may never be perfect times to have such important conversations. 

As you talk, take stock of your shared values, goals, and interests.  Shared values and goals are the building blocks of a relationship that can ‘go the distance.’  (Shared interests are important, too, but are but are not enough if values and goals are not sufficiently in sync.)  Of course, there are practical matters as well, such as any physical distance between you after graduation.  Some couples don’t mind spending time in a long-distance relationship, whereas others are strongly opposed to this sort of arrangement. 

As you talk, be sure that each partner has a chance to share perspectives.  Because this conversation is likely to be an ongoing one, start communicating now (if you have not already done so), well in advance of May graduation.

Counseling Services is a resource for couples who are struggling with the future of their relationship in light of graduation.  Our counselors can provide couples counseling as well as individual counseling.  (Only one member of the couple needs to be a Trinity Student to be eligible for couples counseling.)  Additionally, Counseling Services’ lending library offers books about long-distance relationships, life after college, dating, marriage, and breaking up.  To borrow a book from us, please visit our front desk.  To learn more about our services, visit our webpage.