Class Marshal - March 2014

Your Last Spring Time at Trinity

Dear Class of 2014.

As I gather my thoughts to address you this March, I can’t help but think about how fast this, our last semester together, is waning. But don’t freak out!  You still have a chance (we’re nearly halfway after all) to make the most of it.  If you’re deciding what to do with the rest of your immediate life after college, by applying for internships, studying abroad, for graduate school, or to a national or international teaching program, keep in mind that doing things passionately gets you much further than simply just completing a task.  My hope is that whatever you decide to do after Trinity, you do it well and with your outmost effort/heart.  

Your current relationships might also be causing you some stress. So what will become of your sweetheart/significant other (if you have one) or of your best friend(s) after graduation?  Well, how about “playing it by ear” and concentrating on the most pressing matters first (such as excelling during your last semester here)? Obviously, some people meet the love of their lives in college and make a life together with them; others meet them after they graduate; some people keep their college friendships forever; others get a whole different set of friends once they arrive at a new place.  Anything goes!  Whatever you decide to do is fine as long as you see your life as a series of wonderful opportunities to always offer your better self to the world that surrounds you (even if you don’t always succeed).  These four insular years have limited your options in some ways, so give your relationships your best, but keep an open mind and heart as you remember that “the world is your oyster;” in other words: “the world is yours to enjoy…” just do it kindly.

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal