February 2014

February: Love of Self and Others!

Dear Class of 2014.

I don’t know about you, but to me it feels like January went by way too fast! Now, here we are starting the shortest and, for some students, the most anxiety-producing month of the year: welcome to February. Whether or not you have a beloved, or will have one by Valentine’s Day, rest assured that you ARE loved.  In most countries around the Spanish-speaking world, February 14th is known as “Día de San Valentín (“Valentine’s Day!) or, most importantly, as “Día del amor y la amistad” (Day of Love and Friendship). The friendship part of this celebration tends to relieve some of the anxiety associated with being “single.” So hopefully, this encourages some of you to celebrate and to be thankful for the other relationships that offer you love. more>>

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal


        On the 12th and 13th of February, all of you who are graduating (doesn’t that sound good?) should come by Countdown to Commencement.  If you’re anything like me you probably have trouble deciphering what some of Trinity’s event names actually mean – other than the Sophomore Ice Cream Social, of course, which I immediately understood.  Here’s what you’ll find at Countdown: tables with information about caps and gowns, invitations, class rings, financial aid, and much more.  There’s also a table where you’ll receive your membership card for the Alumni Association, along with some swag and a great little book with answers to LOTS of questions about everything from choosing a wine in a restaurant to benefits planning.  It’s really fascinating, and maybe the most useful book you’ve ever received.  There’s more information about Countdown elsewhere in this newsletter.  Don’t miss it!  more>>

Geary Reamey

Alumni Sponsor

Video Contest

The Dean of Students Office is looking to replace the mandatory online alcohol course for new students with a student-produced video about alcohol on campus. Bids are being solicited now, starting at $1,000 for the winning entry. Please click on the Request for Proposal (RFP) pdf for more information and to submit a proposal to Dean of Students David Tuttle by February 21, 2014.


Fall Student Conduct Newsletter
Trinity is committed to a fair and educational student conduct process. Please review the fall newsletter and statistics to learn more.

Spring 2014 Career Fair
Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Laurie Auditorium

It’s time to secure employment after graduation. The Career Fair is your opportunity to talk with professionals in your ideal career industry to learn about full-time, career openings. Come meet with representatives and recruiters from a variety of employers. Bring copies of your resume and dress professionally. For a full list of employers attending, visit TigerJobs. Come by Career Services prior to the fair to have your resume critiqued. 

Get Your Tail to the Gym
Don’t miss out on the food, fun and free stuff at the Health and Fitness Day on Wednesday, February 19 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Bell Center, Sams Gym.  There will be health screenings, games, and lots of information about how to stay healthy throughout your life.  Visitors to the event are eligible for the door prize drawing and a free t-shirt while supplies last. 

Influenza, How to Protect Yourself
The CDC recommends a flu vaccine as the first line of defense against the flu.  Shots are still available in Health Services.  No appointment necessary. 
Click here to learn about the flu and other actions you can take to protect yourself. 

Depression Screening Day
The spring edition of DSD is Wednesday, February 12, between 1 and 4 p.m. in the Counseling Services office, 215 Coates (above the bookstore).  If you wonder whether you might be suffering from depression or manic depression, obtain a confidential consultation without an appointment.  Each DSD participant will complete a questionnaire and meet with a counselor.  Alternatively, you can see a counselor any weekday either by appointment or during walk-in hours (3 – 4:30 p.m.).  To learn more about Counseling Services, please visit our website.

Your Impending Transition OUT of College
A lot can be churning through a senior’s mind as graduation approaches.  Eagerness for academics to be over.  Sadness when contemplating saying goodbye to friends.  Regret about missed opportunities.  Pressure to make the most of the final few months.  Anxiety about what’s next.  These concerns and others—along with tips for managing the senior transition—are discussed in an online article from the counseling center at Villanova University.  Check it out.  And if you are struggling with the mix of thoughts and emotions that mark your final semester, consider talking it over with one of the counselors at Counseling Services.  Check us out via our website.

Pizza & Pleasure Sexuality Education Series
Cay Crow, sexuality educator and certified sex therapist, will address the following topics as part of the popular P&P series.  Each Thursday night’s session will be held in the Woodlawn Room (239 Coates University Center) beginning at 7:30 p.m.  The dates and topics are
  • Jan 30: Making Love without ‘Doing It’ (sponsored by Classical Studies)
  • Feb 13: Beyond Vanilla: “Kinky” Sexuality (sponsored by Modern Languages & Literatures)
  • Feb 20: Questions & Answers about Sex & Sexuality (sponsored by Psychology)

Refreshments, including pizza, provided by Counseling Services.

Professional Practice Interview Days
Wednesday through Friday, February 5-7, 2014,
Office of Career Services
The Professional Practice Interview Days event offers you a way to reduce your stress level before a job or professional school interview by practicing in mock interviews with recruiters. This is your opportunity to practice before the Spring Career Fair and upcoming on-campus interviews and graduate school information sessions. Sign up through TigerJobs by selecting “Submit Resume/Sign-up for Schedule.” Limited slots available, so sign up early.

Countdown to Commencement
Wednesday and Thursday, February 12-13, 2014, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Fiesta Room
This is a one-stop opportunity for seniors to complete preparations for graduation. Order your cap and gown, class ring, senior photos, graduation announcements, diploma frame and more. Get information about your student account, financial aid, transcripts and more. Plus freebies and fun stuff!

USAA On Campus Interviews
Resumes Due on
TigerJobs by Thursday, February 20, 2014, 5 p.m., Office of Career Services
USAA is coming to Trinity University on Wednesday, February 26 to interview students for an IT full-time-hire position. You must submit your resume on TigerJobs by Thursday, February 20 to be considered for an on-campus interview. Qualifying students will be contacted to set up an interview time.

Career Planning Workshop for International Students
Monday, February 24, 5-6:30 p.m., Fiesta Room
This workshop is designed to help Trinity international students develop an effective strategy for career planning. Students will learn about job searching, OPT/CPT and other valuable resources for the job search. RSVPs preferred via TigerJobs.

The James Madison Fellowship
Due Online by Saturday, March 1, 5 p.m.
The James Madison Fellowship is recognized as the most prestigious award in the field of constitutional history and government for secondary school teachers. The purpose of this fellowship is to strengthen teaching of the history and principles of the Constitution by supporting study at the Master of Art level for secondary school teachers of history, government and social studies. Students wishing to apply to apply or to learn more should visit www.jamesmadison.gov.

Washington, D.C. Internships: Summer 2014 Live. Learn. Intern.
Due Online by Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 11:59 p.m.
The Fund for American Studies is now accepting applications for its Summer 2014 Live. Learn. Intern. Academic internship programs based in Washington, D.C. Each program includes courses for transferable credit from George Mason University, a guaranteed internship placement, furnished housing in George Washington University’s downtown campus, a variety of guest lectures and briefings, as well as opportunities for professional development and networking. To learn more visit www.DCinternships.org

February 12 and 13 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Fiesta Room.  Get your cap and gown, verify your remaining graduation requirements, pick up your alumni card, and so much more.  Click the logo for additional details.

Upper-class Breakfast
Join us the first Friday of every month in the Heidi Lounge from 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. for Upper-class Breakfast.  This month’s breakfast will be on February 7th.  Hang out with your fellow classmates, meet representatives from different offices like Residential Life, Career Services, and Alumni Relations, and best of all, enjoy free breakfast tacos.  Hope to see you there!

S.O.S. – Student Organization Series
Tuesdays, 12 - 1 p.m., Waxahachie Room, Coates 
Learn how to navigate troubled waters and keep your group afloat! Open to all students. Attend 4 of 5 sessions for a certificate!
·         Feb. 4 – Encouraging Good Followership
·         Feb. 11 – Cultivating Productivity
·         Feb. 18 – Leading in Times of Change
·         Feb. 25 – Working Through Group Conflict
·         Mar. 4 – Managing Crisis Situations

Sponsored by Campus and Community Involvement. Contact Kate Polivka or Becka Bovio with questions.

RING SALESWednesday, February 12 and Thursday, February 13 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.  By having at least 73 credit hours you are eligible to participate in a Trinity Tradition - the Trinity Ring Ceremony being held during Spring Family Weekend on Saturday, March 29 at 1:30 p.m. An official ring sales representative will be attending Countdown to Commencement in the Fiesta Room to assist you with the ring selection, sizing and any additional questions.

Deadline to Order 2014 Mirage yearbook
Go to cpstore.trinity.edu or yearbookforever.com or e-mail mirage@trinity.edu to order a 2014 Mirage yearbook before February 13. Not sure if you’ve ordered already? Check trinity.edu/yearbook.

S.A.V.E. 2-22-14
Join TUVAC in their annual San Antonio Volunteer Effort, Saturday February 22. Volunteer activities will be held at: Habitat for Humanity, San Antonio Food Bank, Lamar Elementary, local parks, and much more! Transportation to and from campus will be provided. The first 150 volunteers receive an awesome long-sleeved t-shirt. To register, visit www.trinity.edu/tuvac.

Dining Services
Welcome back, students! February will be a month filled with lots of desserts. We will be selling cupcakes and other fun Valentine treats at the Commons Food Court and P.O.D. beginning February 3, 2014. Check out the newsletter to learn more about our upcoming events and the new changes to our Skyline Bistro. As always, like us on Facebook and visit our website.