Class Marshal - February 2014

February: Love of Self and Others!

Dear Class of 2014.

I don’t know about you, but to me it feels like January went by way too fast! Now, here we are starting the shortest and, for some students, the most anxiety-producing month of the year: welcome to February. Whether or not you have a beloved, or will have one by Valentine’s Day, rest assured that you ARE loved.  In most countries around the Spanish-speaking world, February 14th is known as “Día de San Valentín (“Valentine’s Day!) or, most importantly, as “Día del amor y la amistad” (Day of Love and Friendship). The friendship part of this celebration tends to relieve some of the anxiety associated with being “single.” So hopefully, this encourages some of you to celebrate and to be thankful for the other relationships that offer you love. 

I try to avoid talking/writing about “love;” especially the romantic couple (be it LGBTQ or heterosexual) type.  This specific “love” is too complicated of a subject and, inevitably, people’s feelings get hurt due to societal expectations that are often difficult to follow.  However, I firmly believe that in order to successfully (whatever that may mean!) love someone else, you must learn to love and respect yourself (regardless of your gender).  I know this is one of the biggest clichés and many sappy songs have been written about it.  But all this begins with feeling comfortable asking of others what you need in order to be the best human being you can be.  I hope you don’t wait for February 14th to thank all of those people who sustain you with their love and understanding.  Strive to make every human contact you have throughout the day, each day, the best one possible.  Let’s behave everyday like we do on Valentine’s and enjoy feeling loved!

May all the love you receive and share carry you softly into this and the next stages of your life.  Adelante, (go forth!) Class of 2014!

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz

Class Marshal