Alumni Sponsor - February 2014


        On the 12th and 13th of February, all of you who are graduating (doesn’t that sound good?) should come by Countdown to Commencement.  If you’re anything like me you probably have trouble deciphering what some of Trinity’s event names actually mean – other than the Sophomore Ice Cream Social, of course, which I immediately understood.  Here’s what you’ll find at Countdown: tables with information about caps and gowns, invitations, class rings, financial aid, and much more.  There’s also a table where you’ll receive your membership card for the Alumni Association, along with some swag and a great little book with answers to LOTS of questions about everything from choosing a wine in a restaurant to benefits planning.  It’s really fascinating, and maybe the most useful book you’ve ever received.  There’s more information about Countdown elsewhere in this newsletter.  Don’t miss it!

        I’ve volunteered at this event for several years, and it’s always a joy to meet students who are finishing their studies at Trinity.  And sometimes, when I hand a student a membership card to the Alumni Association, I see on the graduate’s face a realization that this isn’t like joining a student organization.  It’s more like entering a new relationship with Trinity.  Some graduates leave a school and never look back.  For them, graduation is like breaking up – it’s over and done, no more obligation, on to something new.  For others – and I hope, for you – graduation is simply a change of status, a milestone to celebrate.  The ties that bind you to Trinity give you a common bond with thousands of others of us who also have been enriched by the experience.  Like us, you may want to express your appreciation for this opportunity, and your continuing affection for the people and places that have been so important to you for the last four years, by being an active participant in the life of our school.  There are many ways to do this.  Find one that’s right for you and you’ll find this countdown to graduation just signals a new and satisfying way to be a Trinitonian.

        Talk with a fellow Trinity alum at Countdown about some of the ways to stay involved with Trinity wherever you go, and whatever your circumstances.  You’re joining a GREAT community!

        Happy Valentine’s Day! (And don’t forget the rodeo!)

Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor