January 2014

Happy New Year: The Home Stretch!

Dear Class of 2014.

We have finally arrived at the calendar year of your graduation: Happy 2014!

I hope you have replenished your energy and are gearing up for the last semester of your undergraduate career at Trinity University.  Wow, who would have thought that we would be here so fast? I invite you to look back at your last five semesters with us and to do an accounting of what work well and not so well.  How will this semester be different for you? What are your priorities? As always, those of us who are here to help and encourage you hope that you concentrate on your emotional, physical, spiritual, and academic well being as a whole.  As you assess your time at Trinity, think of what will be necessary for you to have an excellent last semester; and when you do, go for it! Challenge yourself to leave this place with a big smile on your face. Challenge yourself to do everything within your power to be the best YOU possible, whatever that may mean.  These four years only happen once and when you look back they will undoubtedly be some of the best in your life. My personal hope is that you go out into the world and make the commitment to transform it in the best way possible for all of us who inhabit it now and in the future.  Best wishes for a successful last semester!

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal


        Happy 2014!  That would be the same “2014” as in “Class of 2014.”  In just a few months you and I will be celebrating the culmination of your years of hard work and learning.  Someone you’ll probably forget will tell you at Graduation about how this is the beginning of an adventure.  They will be right about that.

        You’re about to change status.  For the first time since you were a small child, maybe you won’t be able to list “student” as your occupation anymore.  Even if you continue immediately with your education, it won’t be the same.  Professional and graduate students are just different.  You’ll change from being “a student who is an adult” to being “an adult who is a student” or even “an adult who was a student.”  Any change can be a little scary, but change also is exciting.  more>>

Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor 

MLK Jr. Events

Thursday, January 16, 2014Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture featuring Dr. Julianne Malveaux at 7:30 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium.  For more information about the speaker please visit the MLK Jr. Events page.

Monday, January 20, 2014
Don't miss the City-Wide San Antonio MLK Jr. March! Transportation is provided; just meet at the Bell Center at 8:30 a.m. Free T-shirts will be available for first 200 people!! Help Trinity maintain its reputation as the largest college represented at the March!

Spring Semester Course about Sexual Orientation
Dr. Richard Reams (Counseling Services) will teach WAGS 3119, a 1 hour course that meets Thursdays 5:30-6:45 p.m.  The course, which is open to all students regardless of sexual orientation, will explore the complexity of sexual orientation and the identity development process. You can add the course during the Add/Drop period, which begins January 8.

How’s Your Emotional Health?
If you suffered during fall semester from emotional distress caused by depression, moodiness, or anxiety, then resolve to start the new year by taking action.  Consult with one of the caring psychologists at Counseling Services.  You may do so by appointment (call 210-999-7411 or stop by our office, 215 Coates University Center).  Alternatively, you can see a counselor for an initial consultation during walk-in hours, Monday-Friday afternoons between 3 and 4:30 p.m., if you have not seen a counselor this academic year.  Visit our website to learn more about us, including details about your legally protected confidentiality.

Countdown to Commencement
Come to the Fiesta Room on February 12th or 13th from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. for Countdown to Commencement.  This is your one stop shop for everything graduation.  Order your cap and gown and invitations, talk to career services or alumni relations, get your class ring, and more!

The National Alumni Board and the Division of Student Affairs are excited to invite students, faculty, and staff to submit nominations for the annual recognition awards presented during Spring Family Weekend (March 28-30, 2014). Awards will be given to both individual students and student organizations/groups in recognition of service and leadership to Trinity University and in recognition of service and leadership to the community. Please keep reading for more information >>> 

Annual Student Organization Registration
Registration is open now until January 31, 2014.  ALL organizations must register at this time in order to remain active for the 2014 year.

Registration includes the TWO following online forms to be completed by the organization's president/director:

It's a bird.  It's a plane.  It's Student Organization Training!
January 17, 2014, 2:30 – 6 p.m., Laurie Auditorium
For details visit http://web.trinity.edu/x10073.xml

Spring Student Involvement Fair
January 22, 2014, 4 – 5 p.m., Coates Esplanade 
Join us for the involvement fair and Super Nacho Hour!  Secure a table now at http://tinyurl.com/spring14sif

·         Rock band, Royal Hoax, proceeds benefiting local food banks! 
·         Hot Chocolate and S’mores
·         Photobooth with instant prints
·         Snowman craft

·         Free Cocoa
·         New Year’s Resolution/Hope/Dream Craft
·         Music or Dance Performances

S.O.S. – Student Organization Series
Tuesdays, 12-1 p.m., Waxahachie Room, Coates Learn how to navigate troubled waters and keep your group afloat! Open to all students. Attend 4 of 5 sessions for a certificate!
·         2/4 – Encouraging Good Followership
·         2/11 – Cultivating Productivity
·         2/18 – Leading in Times of Change
·         2/25 – Working Through Group Conflict
·         3/4 – Managing Crisis SituationsSponsored by Campus and Community Involvement. Contact Kate Polivka or Becka Bovio with questions.

Enhance your leadership and team management skills by planning and executing a community project. Learn about fostering change, planning community projects, managing group conflicts, intercultural competence, and leadership. Connect with Trinity University and San Antonio leaders. Add a tangible leadership experience to your resume! Workshop meets in the Coates – Woodlawn Room, 5-6:30 p.m., Wednesdays, Jan. 29 to Feb. 26. Space is limited and priority is given to juniors and seniors. Register online. For more information, contact Kate Polivka in Campus & Community Involvement.

Don’t forget this time at Trinity. Order a 2014 Mirage by February 13.  Go to cpstore.trinity.edu or yearbookforever.com or e-mail mirage@trinity.edu.  Check to see if you’ve already ordered at trinity.edu/yearbook.

Meal Plans
Need to change your meal plan for the spring semester?  Send an e-mail to reslife@trinity.edu with your name, Trinity ID number and the name of the plan you want to select.  The last day to change a meal plan for Spring 2014 is the last day of Add/Drop which is January 23, 2014.  A description of available meal plans can be found on the Trinity website at campus dish.

Residence Hall Openings
The residence halls will reopen on Sunday, January 12 at noon.  Please do not return to campus before this time.