Alumni Sponsor - January 2014


        Happy 2014!  That would be the same “2014” as in “Class of 2014.”  In just a few months you and I will be celebrating the culmination of your years of hard work and learning.  Someone you’ll probably forget will tell you at Graduation about how this is the beginning of an adventure.  They will be right about that.

        You’re about to change status.  For the first time since you were a small child, maybe you won’t be able to list “student” as your occupation anymore.  Even if you continue immediately with your education, it won’t be the same.  Professional and graduate students are just different.  You’ll change from being “a student who is an adult” to being “an adult who is a student” or even “an adult who was a student.”  Any change can be a little scary, but change also is exciting.  

        This is what you’ve been preparing for.  When you’ve been a student for 16 years, it’s easy to forget that it’s all preparation, not the end in itself.

        My goal as your Alumni Sponsor is to help you move seamlessly from the status you have now to the one you’ve been working to achieve.  I’m not able to do that by myself, of course.  But as your representative of the Trinity Alumni Association, I have people.  This group that you’re about to join has so much to help you.  And they want to.  I’m always impressed by the accomplishments of my fellow alumni in virtually every field of endeavor.  There’s a Trinity graduate out there right now doing exactly what you’d like to be doing with your life.

        Those alumni will help you find your life’s work, just like you’ll help those who come after you.  Alumni also will welcome you because you’re one of us.  Remember this: You can take the graduate out of Trinity, but you can’t take Trinity out of the graduate.  You’ll always be part of this place, and it will be part of you.

        So enjoy your ultimate semester, and make it live up to every meaning of that word.  Then, enjoy your new status with everyone else who has shared that journey.

Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor