May 2014

Congratulations: Moving Forward and Staying Connected

Dear Class of 2014.

It is almost unbelievable that we have spent these past four years together. Although some of you don’t have any idea who your Class Marshal and Alumni Sponsor were for most of your time at Trinity (some of your peers don’t have an idea of who we are even now), for those of you who do, it has been our absolute pleasure to accompany you on this journey.  As it’s been said before, our hope is that as you “commence” your adulthood years, post-graduation, that you remain connected with your professors and with your Alma Mater.  Those of us who encourage you to do so, really mean it.  I love receiving e-mails and cards from Trinity grads informing me of their whereabouts around the country and the world. I am also happy to write letters of recommendation for excellent students who deserve them.  It is always a pleasure to know of your successes beyond our campus and your Bachelor’s degree.  more>>

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal


          It’s your turn.  For the first couple of decades of our lives, we prepare.  We become educated – formally and informally – about facts, ways to think, solve problems, live in society and in close relationships.  It seems like we’re always getting ready for the next big thing.

          That process of preparing and educating ourselves doesn’t end when we leave our formal education, but expectations and obligations do change.  Fairly or not, society now views you as a fully formed adult, not someone preparing to be one.  Now it’s your job to earn a living, contribute to society, lead in your community, take a place at the grown-up’s table.  That sounds like an abrupt change, but you’ve been transitioning into that role for years.  more>>

Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor

Last Great Reception: Come celebrate your final days at Trinity during the Last Great Reception on Friday, May 16 from 3-4:30 p.m. in Mabee Dining Hall. The Last Great Reception is open to seniors, faculty, and staff. The event is hosted by the Student Ambassadors and the Trinity University Alumni Association. Commemorative champagne flutes will be available. Dress is business casual. Invitations will be e-mailed. No R.S.V.P. required.


Late Night Breakfast
Finals have you stressed? Out of dine? Don't miss the annual Late Night Breakfast, sponsored by Residential Life at 11:55 p.m. on May 6 in Mabee Dining Hall. Hang out, take a study break, and fill up on your favorite breakfast foods. And the best part? It's FREE!

Team Trinity Move-in Crew
Per our annual tradition students are invited to participate in move-in day for new students. Student volunteers will be required to arrive by 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 20 to move in new students on Thursday morning, August 21. If you are interested, regardless of ability, please consider joining others by signing up through the Team Trinity survey link.

Saying Goodbye
Saying goodbye to friends will be a challenge for many seniors.  Saying goodbye doesn’t come naturally for most of us.  It is so emotionally uncomfortable or logistically awkward that it may consist of little more than one last social event that ends with a perfunctory “Let’s stay in touch!”  But if you would like to do more than just ride into the sunset,
read more >>  

ATTENTION: Submit required proof of Health Insurance if returning in the fall.
In the past, you have been required to provide proof of health insurance in April prior to registering for fall classes. This requirement is no longer tied to registration. However, students are still required to have health insurance and provide proof of the coverage annually through an online waiver, available now. 
If the waiver is not completed by July 1, the premium for the student health insurance plan will be included on your electronic bill for the fall semester. If you do not want that insurance you will have several weeks to provide proof of other insurance and have that charge removed from your bill. Students who do not do so will automatically be enrolled in the student health insurance plan, after which the premium will not be refundable.

Kaplan Test Prep Scholarship
Application due April 30, 2014 (Wednesday), 5 p.m., Online
Kaplan is offering a Test Prep Scholarship to one Trinity University undergraduate student classified as either a Junior or Senior. The scholarship recipient will receive one full comprehensive course package valued at $1,200 to $2,000 (varies by exam) and will be eligible for course materials for the GRE, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, DAT, OAT or PCAT. Minimum GPA of 3.3 required. For an application form, click here.

Graduate Gateway’s Summer Intensive Program in Political Communication
Application due May 2, 2014 (Friday), 5 p.m., Online
Apply to the American University Graduate Gateway’s Summer Intensive Program in Political Communication. It is a 10-week program designed to help students master the art of motivating an audience to take political action. Final application deadline is May 2, 2014. This program is open to current and recently graduated students wanting to learn the ways of Washington, D.C. and future challenges of competitive political communication. Questions? Contact Lana Knox, assistant director of Graduate Bridge Programs at 202-895-4859 or at Click here to apply.

Making Connections with Arizona Alumni
May 21, 2014 (Wednesday), 6:30-8:30 p.m., Scottsdale, Arizona
The primary goals of the Making Connections career-networking program are to allow Trinity alumni and students an opportunity to interact with each other and to explore career opportunities in various fields of interest. The Trinity University Alumni Association-Arizona Chapter will hold its Making Connections event on Wednesday, May 21, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Raymond James & Associates Office located at 14850 N. Scottsdale Road, Suite 155, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Alumni may register with Alumni Relations and students may register on TigerJobs.

13th Annual Bright Futures Award: 2014 National ECE Scholarship Program
Application due June 11, 2014 (Wednesday), 5 p.m., Online
Bright Horizons is offering scholarships ranging from $250-$1,000 for full-time students pursuing degrees in Early Childhood Education or in a related field. Students must have completed either 30 credits of their Associate’s degree program, 60 credits of their Bachelor’s degree program or have been accepted into a Master-level program. To find out more and to apply, click here.

Prelaw Program, June 6-July 11, 2014, Cornell University
If you are thinking of becoming a lawyer—or simply what to know more about the law and how it affects our everyday lives, then you are invited to be a part of the Cornell University Prelaw Program. C. Evan Stewart, one of America’s most distinguished lawyers, directs this six-week intensive program taught in New York City. To learn more about the program and to apply visit

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Walk-in Hours: M/W/F 1:30-4 p.m.
                       Tu/Th 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Appointments: 210-999-8321

Trinity University Career Services
TUCareerServices1 on YouTube

Pre-Twilight Event
Come to the Tigers' Den at 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 15 for a pre-Twilight event. Several seniors will present their commencement speeches from auditions. This event will be free and will be emceed by Seniors Jenni White and Katie Ogawa. Senior presentations, tentatively, by Nupur Agrawal, Lindsey Breier, Ricky Dolezalek, Laura Roa, Michelle Padley, and Alyssa Sedillo.

Residence Hall Closing
Residents are expected to leave 24 hours after their last exam. The residence halls will close at noon on Thursday, May 15. Only graduating seniors are permitted to remain until noon on Sunday, May 18. For more information, consult the Senior closing guide.

Give and Go!
As you prepare to pack up… make a plan to Give & Go!  Clothing, household items, school supplies, laundry supplies, non-perishable food, and even furniture can all be donated to help those in need and to support job training in the San Antonio community.

Look for donation bins starting at reading days and help keep useable items out of the landfill!

Summer Storage
Looking for summer storage?  Check out this list of companies near Trinity.

24 Hour Quiet Hours
24 hour quiet hours will begin May 5th.  Please respect your classmates’ ability to study by remaining quiet at all hours of the day.