Class Marshal - May 2014

Congratulations: Moving Forward and Staying Connected

Dear Class of 2014.

It is almost unbelievable that we have spent these past four years together. Although some of you don’t have any idea who your Class Marshal and Alumni Sponsor were for most of your time at Trinity (some of your peers don’t have an idea of who we are even now), for those of you who do, it has been our absolute pleasure to accompany you on this journey.  As it’s been said before, our hope is that as you “commence” your adulthood years, post-graduation, that you remain connected with your professors and with your Alma Mater.  Those of us who encourage you to do so, really mean it.  I love receiving e-mails and cards from Trinity grads informing me of their whereabouts around the country and the world. I am also happy to write letters of recommendation for excellent students who deserve them.  It is always a pleasure to know of your successes beyond our campus and your Bachelor’s degree.  

I hope you remember, as you move forward, to be the outmost humane individual you can be. That you always offer people the benefit of the doubt and to contribute kindly to your communities is not just a hope of mine, but necessary tasks if you indeed, want to make a difference and leave your mark in this world.  Life will continue to present each of you with challenges but please remember that you are forever a part of a family (be it by biology or by choice) whose members are willing to support and love you. All you need is to ask for help and at some point help others in return.

For those of you considering graduate studies, please remember that your education will always be one of the best investments in yours and your family’s future. So go on, invest in the best possible post-baccalaureate programs. For those of you who want to do something else, make an effort to be the best-prepared applicant out of the pool and once you arrive at your destination, extend your hand back to bring others with you.  No matter what you decide to do after you leave Trinity University, remember that those of us in your cheerleading section will always be here for and with you. Congratulations and see you all at graduation!

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal