April 2014

Senioritis: The Only Cure is Graduation

Dear Class of 2014.
        According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the definition of se-nior-i-tis is: “an ebbing of motivation by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences, and lower grades.” This could not be more accurate.  Every time I walked into a class composed of mostly seniors in the past two weeks, the energy is low, students walk in late, there’s a lot of sighing and not enough deep breathing, and inevitably grades are becoming less important to some of you. 

        Let’s face it; most seniors are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and are ready to move on.  But move on to what/where? Well, not so fast, Class of 2014!  Slooooooow down!  Take a moment to reassess what’s left of this, your very last semester at Trinity University.  We still have about five weeks to go (that’s one third of the way)! more>>

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal

How will you see your relationship with Trinity after you graduate?  Will you have warm feelings?  Will you want to continue to be part of Trinity?  Or will you think of your alma mater as just another place you lived while you were earning a necessary credential?       

People have a wide range of feelings about the schools they’ve attended.  Some are fiercely loyal and proud of their association.  Others are indifferent, and some actively dislike the places where they studied.  These reactions often are more emotional than rational, but the emotions we feel about “our” universities can be the product of the way we perceive the relationship rather than the result of an unusually good or bad experience.  more>>

Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor

Spring Family Weekend
March 28-30, 2014
Spring Family Weekend is an exciting time for families to see your achievements after a year's worth of hard effort. The schedule of events during Spring Family Weekend spotlights students' talents and successes. Program highlights include: Friday Student Leadership Awards, Saturday Honor Awards Convocation and Trinity Spotlight Talent Showcase.

Click here for a full list of events. If you want to stay connected to Trinity through social media follow Trinity at @Trinity_U and use the hashtag #TUSFW14 throughout the weekend.

April 1 Marks Changes in Package Pick-up
Starting April 1, most Mail Center operations will move from the Coates University Center to the Central Receiving area at 607 Kings Court. For the remainder of this semester, students will still retrieve mail from Coates boxes. However, package pick-up will take place at Central Receiving, down at the foot of the Prassel Parking Garage. Tentative plans for next year involve moving all student boxes to a central location on lower campus. Many small packages will be retrievable there. All of this is being done in an effort to make the Coates Center a better community space for current and future students. We appreciate everyone's patience during the last six weeks of the semester. 

“Getting What You Want from Abstinence”
Thursday, April 3, 7 p.m.
Woodlawn Room, 239 Coates University Center
The final topic is this year’s Pizza & Pleasure sexuality education series addresses what may seem to be a paradoxical topic: Abstinence.  Perhaps you heard a presentation on abstinence during middle school or high school that advocated “no sex until marriage.”   That is not the message sex therapist and educator Cay Crow will offer.  Cay will offer a different kind of message, one that recognizes that abstinence can be a self-affirming choice a sexual person might make whether for an evening, until marriage, or until the person and time is right.  Pizza & Pleasure veterans should note that the time of this P&P gathering is 7 p.m., not 7:30 p.m.  Sponsored by Counseling Services.

Managing Stress in Your Transition to Life After Graduation
If thoughts about your post-graduation life are stressing you out — perhaps because some things are unsettled, like landing a job or gaining admission to graduate or professional school — then check out these seven tips.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
It’s often hard to know how to respond to a sexual assault survivor, but two things are of critical importance.  First, an empathic response that communicates your concern will show the survivor that you are willing to listen nonjudgmentally and offer support throughout the healing process.  You will want to communicate that the assault is not the survivor’s fault and that you are available to talk at any time.  Second, it is essential for a sexual assault survivor to have as much control as possible in handling the events following the assault.  This pertains to everything from how much information s/he chooses to share with you to decisions about whether to pursue any disciplinary or judicial action about the assault.  For more information about helping a survivor, click here, and visit Trinity’s Sexual Assault Web site. Survivors of sexual assault may wish to make an appointment with Dr. Kristin Eisenhauer at Counseling Services as well.  And survivors should also know of this off-campus resource, the San Antonio Rape Crisis Center, which provides free counseling regardless of when the sexual assault occurred.

Preparing for Registration?  One Less Roadblock…
In the past, you have been required to provide proof of health insurance in April prior to registering for fall classes.  If you failed to do this a registration hold was placed    No more.  If you are registering for the fall semester or planning to attend Graduate school at Trinity you will not miss your registration time in April or June because you failed to provide the required information.  However, students are still required to have health insurance and provide proof of the coverage annually through an online waiver.  The waiver will be available on April 1.  Click here for instructions.

If the waiver is not completed by July 1, the premium for the student health insurance plan will be included on your electronic bill for the fall semester.  If you do not want that insurance you will have several weeks to provide proof of other insurance and have that charge removed from your bill.  Students who do not do so will automatically be enrolled in the student health insurance plan, after which the premium will not be refundable.

Midway ISD Job Fair
March 29, 2014 (Sat.), 8:30-11 a.m., Midway High School, Waco, TX
The Midway Independent School District is having its Job Fair at Midway High School in Waco, Texas on Saturday, March 29, from 8:30-11 a.m. For more information about the Job Fair and applying, contact Mary Lou Glaesmann, assistant superintendent for Human Resources, at 254-761-5611.

Crandall ISD Teacher Job Fair
March 29, 2014 (Sat.), 9 a.m.-noon, Crandall High School, Crandall, TX
The Crandall Independent School District is having its Teacher Job Fair at Crandall High School in Crandall, Texas on Saturday, March 29, from 9 a.m.-noon. Please bring copies of resumes and transcripts. All job fair participants will receive a brief interview and meet directly with CISD administrators. Advance online registration is preferred at http://www.crandall-isd.net/.

Education Service Center Region 13 Information Session
April 2, 2014 (Wed.), 9 a.m.- 2 p.m., Austin, TX
The application for the 2014-2015 training cycle for teacher certification is now open for Region 13 Education Service Center. They are looking for candidates interested in becoming certified to teach in a variety of areas including bilingual EC-6, math 4-12, science 4-12, and languages other than English. For details on requirements please visit their website or attend this information session. R.S.V.P. by visiting Region 13.

Physassist Information Session
April 9 (Wed.), 5:30-6:30 p.m., Tehuacana Room
Scribes are active and valuable members of their healthcare teams, providing real-time charting for physicians by shadowing them throughout their shifts and performing a variety of helpful tasks. As a scribe, you’ll gain rare clinical experiences that help you grow as a person and as a professional. To learn more about this organization we encourage you to attend and speak with representatives about available career opportunities.

Upper-class Breakfast
Join us the first Friday of every month in the Heidi Lounge from 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. for Upper-class Breakfast.  This month’s breakfast will be on April 4th.  Hang out with your fellow classmates, meet representatives from different offices like Residential Life, Career Services, and Alumni Relations, and best of all, enjoy free breakfast tacos.  Hope to see you there!

Dining Services
Your favorite theme night has almost arrived! Our Fiesta Night will be held on Wednesday, April 16. The fun evening will include delicious Mexican food, games and prizes. Be sure to stop by and join the biggest theme night of the year! Another exciting theme night will be held at the end of the month. Our BBQ Dinner will feature sausage, brisket, apple pie and more! Check out our newsletter for more information about these events and a few other programs we offer.

Summer Storage
Looking for summer storage?  Check out this list of companies near Trinity.

Trinity Spotlight
Trinity’s annual Spotlight Talent Show is coming up on Saturday, March 29, at 7:30 P.M. in Laurie Auditorium. The show will feature Trinity’s most talented students in a variety of acts. There will be free t-shirts given out to students. Check out the Student Programming Board’s Facebook page for more information.

SPB presents Senior Roast
Join SPB for this Trinity tradition!  Two lucky seniors will be roasted with embarrassing stories submitted by their closest friends.  Senior roastees to be revealed.  Open to all Trinity students. Thursday, May 1st at 8 p.m. in the Skyline Room.  Snacks, beverages, and a cash bar will be available (21+).

Trinity Diversity Connection is bringing Central Comedian, ELIOT CHANG, to Trinity!
Friday, April 4 at 7 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium
Come check out Eliot Chang's standup comedy show and laugh all night! There will be drawings for prizes and entertainment you won't forget! Free admission and everyone is welcomed! Visit Facebook for more information.

Annual Trinity Diversity Connection's Taste of Diversity
Friday, April 4 at 3 p.m. on the Esplanade
Spend the afternoon tasting foods from various cultures. Free admission and there will be drawings for prizes! You don't want to miss this delicious annual event! Find out more information on Facebook.
February Student Leader Spotlight
CCI congratulates student, Gloria Borgardt, as the February 2014 Student Leader Spotlight Recipient! Gloria is currently a senior nominated by three individuals at TigerTV, Kathryn Boyd, Christina Armstrong, and Claire Richardson, for her outstanding leadership as the Station Manager for the student run TV Station- TigerTV. Click here to look at Gloria’s video and read her biography!

March Student Leader Spotlight 

Congratulations to Navid Leelani for receiving the March 2014 Student Leader Spotlight Recipient! Navid is currently a junior, majoring in Biology and Biomath, who was nominated by his peer, Laura Kalb, who serves as the director of the Student Programming Board. Navid was nominated for his outstanding commitment and leadership as the associate director of general programming for the Student Programming Board and as a staff member for Residential Life. Click here to watch his video!

Alternative Spring Break - Atlanta 

Six Trinity University students spent their Spring Break in Atlanta providing service to various non-profit organizations. The picture shows Trinity students with Piedmont Park staff after their hard work at the community garden (L-R): Mia Garza, Breanna Willis, Emily Zhu, Shay Atkins, Olivia Mill, Rebecca Prager, Michael Paul of Piedmont Park, and Mary Yetter of Piedmont Park.

Alternative Spring Break - Dominica
Trinity students spend their Spring Break at the Alpha Center in Dominica.

Anatomy of Injustice
Reading TUgether is a University-wide common reading program in which the entire campus community, including students, staff, faculty, families, and alumni, are invited to participate. This year, the selection comes from Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Raymond Bonner. “Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong” tells the gripping story of a grievously mishandled murder case that put a twenty-three-year-old man on death row.  more>>