Class Marshal - April 2014

Senioritis: The Only Cure is Graduation

Dear Class of 2014.
        According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the definition of se-nior-i-tis is: “an ebbing of motivation by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences, and lower grades.” This could not be more accurate.  Every time I walked into a class composed of mostly seniors in the past two weeks, the energy is low, students walk in late, there’s a lot of sighing and not enough deep breathing, and inevitably grades are becoming less important to some of you. 

        Let’s face it; most seniors are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and are ready to move on.  But move on to what/where? Well, not so fast, Class of 2014!  Slooooooow down!  Take a moment to reassess what’s left of this, your very last semester at Trinity University.  We still have about five weeks to go (that’s one third of the way)! 

        Incidentally, today (Thursday, March 27) is the last day to drop from a class where your senioritis is affecting you more acutely.  Hopefully you’ve left yourself some wiggle room and you’re able to drop such a course; but if you didn’t and you need that class to graduate: for your own sake (and your parents’ contentment), SNAP OUT OF IT! Go to the gym, force yourself to sleep at least five hours a night, do Yoga, connect with study groups, catch up, and get notes from at least two other students from the classes you’ve missed.

        Please remember to talk to your professors; we are here to help you (but please do not beg us for extra credit; especially if we haven’t offered it already).  Just get your act together! Look at your syllabi, see what assignments are coming up and buckle up for rest of what seems to be an eternal semester.  Try to not be in such a hurry to leave this place yet. You’ll see later that you’ll wish you had slowed down a bit.  So hang in there seniors!  I believe in you, Class of 2014 and I know you can do better!  Don’t forget to TREAT YOURSELF KINDLY no matter what how you go about completing this, your last year.

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal