September 2013

Making the Most of your Last Year at Trinity University
Dear Class of 2014,

Welcome back! The moment many of you have been looking for is finally here: your Senior year in college. You are now the veterans and the ones other students look up to. Now, you know exactly how to navigate this place, but what’s next? What will your life look like after you leave Trinity? more>>
Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal
        When a finish line is approaching, some people coast across it.  You have the line in sight; you could coast across using nothing more than experience and minimal effort.  Winners don’t coast.  They push until the end because it’s not over until it’s over.  more>>
Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor 

Volunteer Awareness Week 2013 is September 3-7 with many ways for you to learn how to get involved with your community. Click here for a full calendar.  For more information, visit

Team Up Challenge Scholars
Silver and Black Give Back (the Spurs Foundation) is looking for Team Up Challenge Scholars. Scholars work in pairs with a team at a local school that is working on a service-learning project in the community. Scholars receive a $500 stipend/semester. Applications and further information are available here and due on September 3. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required.

The date for Hallympics has changed.  Hallympics will now begin on Sunday, September 8.  Get ready to compete for the illustrious title of Hallympics champion!  Residence halls will be pitted against one another in a series of three physical and intellectual events.  Grab a hallmate and head to the fields.  You don’t want to miss this Trinity tradition!

Sunday, September 8: Trivia Bowl
Monday, September 9: Sand Volleyball
Wednesday-Thursday, September 11-12: Soccer

Half Marathon Training ProgramLast chance seniors! Training for the November 17 Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon begins 9 a.m. Saturday morning at the Witt Center. We will do an easy three or four miles. Go to the Dean of Students Web page and sign-up AND join the Facebook group!

Can’t Run With the Dean? Then Walk with the Nurses!
Every Monday and Thursday at 8:15 p.m.  Meet at Health Services, Myrtle McFarlin Residence Hall, rain or shine.  All fitness levels are welcome.  The first walk is Thursday, September 5.  Wear sneakers and bring water.  Any questions?  Call Health Services at 210-999-8111.

“Pizza & Pleasure”:  Honest Talk about Sexuality
Last year, more than 100 students attended one or more gatherings called Pizza & Pleasure with Cay Crow, a certified sex therapist and educator.  Students were delighted with the frank, non-judgmental, authoritative information and conversation that she offered.  No question was taboo.  This year, like last, students will choose the topics with their anonymous votes. If you are interested in learning more about the diversity of human sexuality in general and/or your sexuality in particular, check out the ballot and vote!
How might Counseling Services assist you this year?  Last year we assisted about 14 percent of Trinity undergrads for a myriad of concerns, the most common being anxiety, depression, and relationship concerns.  We also provided academic skills coaching to students who needed to improve their grades.  You can have an initial consultation with one of our three psychologists either by appointment (call 210-999-7411) or during walk-in hours any weekday afternoon between 3 and 4:30 p.m. (first-come, first-seen).  We’re located on the second floor of Coates University Center, above the bookstore.  We’re here for you!

Are you ready to
·         If you have not already done so, it is essential that you setup your TigerJobs profile
-          Watch, What is TigerJobs video
-       Watch, Creating Your TigerJobs Profile video
·         Read your Career Services weekly Event Letter *Only students who have an active TigerJobs profile will have access to the Event Letter
·         Have your résumé updated and reviewed by a Career Services professional
·         Implement your plans for your job search or graduate school applications - Career Services can assist you with planning if don’t have a plan yet
·         Attend the San Antonio Making Connections event on September 19. See below for details.

September Events:
Volunteer Fair, 9/4/13 (Weds), 3-5 p.m., Coates University Center Plaza
Volunteers make the world go round. Discover how you can make a difference in your local city of San Antonio. Registration not required.

Networking Etiquette Workshop, 9/17/13 (Tues), 6-7 p.m., Storch Lobby
Does thought of “networking” set your nerves on end? Networking is an essential function to career exploration and internship searching. This interactive workshop makes networking fun and easy to do! For students who would like to participate in the San Antonio Making Connections event are strongly encouraged to attend this preparatory session. *RSVP via TigerJobs appreciated but not required. 

San Antonio Making Connections, 9/19/13 (Thurs), 6-8 p.m., CUC - Skyline Bistro
Making Connections allows students and alumni to come together and connect professionally and socially. This event is extremely advantageous. Hors d’oeuvres provided and business casual attire (minimum) required. *RSVP via TigerJobs is appreciated but not required.

Delta Epsilon Iota Induction Ceremony, 9/29/13 (Sun), 2-4 p.m., Meditation Room, Parker Chapel
Students who became Delta Epsilon Iota members are formally invited to attend the Induction Ceremony, your chance to be recognized by the national office of DEI. A brief reception and photo opportunity will follow the ceremony. RSVP required, please respond to: Makenzi Lindamood,

Additional Information
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Appointments: 210-999-8321
*New* Walk-In Hours: M/W/F 1:30 – 4 p.m., T/TH 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Interested in living in a single room?
There are still single rooms available for upper-class students this year. The cost is an additional $1716.00 per semester. Priority will be determined by student's credit hour (seniors, then juniors, then sophomores). Please contact Lisa Chapa in the Residential Life Office if you are interested.

Meal Plans
Do you want to change your meal plan?  Please send an e-mail to with your name, TU ID#, and the name of the plan you want to choose.  The last day to change a meal plan for the fall semester is September 5.  You can see a list of meal plans at CampusDish.

Policy Information
is to be shared with all students annually. Learn more by reviewing the on-line Student Handbook Web page. Please note the following important policies.
Sexual Assault
- Troubled Student Reporting

Fall Student Involvement Fair
Friday, August 30, 8 – 9 p.m., Baseball Field With over 100 clubs and organizations on campus, there’s something for everyone! Come explore the involvement opportunities at Trinity.

Welcome Week Concert
Friday, August 30, 8 – 11:45 p.m., Baseball Field The Student Programming Board invites you to see performances by Bowling for Soup with opening acts by Green River Ordinance and The Well Reds!  "Like" the Student Programming Board Facebook page and answer our trivia questions leading up to the concert.  Guess correctly and you could win a meet-and-greet with Bowling for Soup!

Saturdays in Skyline
Beginning Saturday, September 7, 10 p.m. - midnight, the Student Programming Board invites you to Saturday night events including musicians, movie nights, trivia nights, FREE food and beverages and alcohol for purchase (21+).  Visit our campus events
web page for more details.

Diversity Week
Trinity Diversity Connection (TDC) will hold its annual Diversity Week from September 14-19. The week will host a celebration for Mexican Independence Day, Yom Kippur-Break the Fast, and so much more. Please look for more information please contact

Greek Council Speaker
Ever wonder what Fraternity & Sorority Life is really about? Popular media and recent events across the country have caused some people to question the merit of fraternities and sororities in the University setting. Come out and listen to what Rick Barnes, CAMPUSPEAK speaker, has to say on the topic of “Living the Dream of Our Founders”. This program is dynamic and gives an exciting perspective on what happens when Greek members live up to their legacy! Join Greek Council and members of the Fraternity & Sorority community on Tuesday, September 10 at 7 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium. This is open to the entire community. We encourage those interested in Greek Life to attend.

Interested in joining Fraternity & Sorority Life?
If you are interested in learning more about Trinity’s Fraternity & Sorority community, then plan on attending Greek 101 and Recruitment Kick-Off on Sunday, September 15 starting at 3 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium. Come hear from our fourteen organizations and learn what it takes to go through recruitment for the Spring! Questions? Contact Sarah Gambell or Travis Batts. Make sure you attend this awesome session to get to know the fraternities and sororities on our campus! You don’t want to miss this!

Dining Services
Dining Services is excited to present major changes in the campus dining program! Taco Taco opened this fall, Bon Appetit's rated “best tacos in America” and winner of the Trinitonian's "Best for Trinity" contest.  Mabee Dining Hall will have more vegetarian and vegan options at each station and multiple made-to-order stations. If you are unsure what’s being served at Mabee just check our Campusdish mobile app (CampusDish for Apple; CampusDish for Android). With so many new options for variety and convenience, eating on campus has never been easier! Make sure you're ready for the upcoming semester by signing up for a commuter meal plan so you never go hungry.  Check out the Dining Services newsletter here.

Milk N’ Cookies with CCI!
Join CCI every Thursday from 3:30-4:30 p.m. for warm cookies and milk. 

Don’t be left out. Get your photo taken September 11 & 12, Wednesday & Thursday. It’s free. Order the 2014 Mirage at or

August 2013

Senior Year:  Where Did Time Go? And Now What?

Dear Class of 2014,

Congratulations on arriving here: the last year of college at Trinity University!  Indeed, time has flown by. I’m sure you remember your very first August on campus when this place seemed so intimidating; and now, you feel like this has been your home all along. Perhaps this is a good time to reflect on your accomplishments, thank those who have helped you get here, and plan for the next nine months ahead. Remember that you are still surrounded by hundreds of people who believe in you and want you to complete your time with us as successfully as possible.  So as I have been inviting you to do all along, reach out, ask for help, visit your professors in office hours, go to career services to help you apply to jobs, internships, graduate school, and, above all, give this year your very best try.

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal

          As you think about the year ahead – the last year at Trinity for most of you – take a minute also to think about the years ahead for your colleagues who are just beginning this experience.  Remember how excited, and how nervous, they’ll be.  How they won’t know where things are; won’t know what to expect in classes; won’t be entirely sure they can actually succeed in a university.  And if they have time to look ahead at all, they – like you did – will be thinking that four years is a really long time.  more>>

Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor 

A Fresh Start
"College is a unique experience that gets started over and over and over again until you finally arrive at your graduation day. You have the chance to learn, grow and even make mistakes that will add value to your experience in so many ways that will actually make you a much better person at graduation."  So begins a brief but stimulating article from The Huffington Post titled "The 5 New Semester Resolutions Every College Student Needs."  Check it out!  And check out the ways we at Counseling Services can help you make the most of this semester and year. 

Disability Services for Students
If you were recently diagnosed with a condition and want to learn how DSS might help you, or if you are already registered with DSS and need to request your accommodation letters, please call 210-999-7411 to schedule an appointment with the DSS Coordinator. To learn more about receiving services, visit the DSS website.

Congratulations Seniors!

It's your final year and there is plenty to do in the coming weeks. Working towards your post grad goals will likely keep you busy. Career Services is here to help. Get your resume reviewed, practice your interview skills, attend the fall career fair and as many networking events as possible. Be aware that every month, Career Services hosts numerous programs and events. Stop by and talk to your career advisor. Attend workshops and employer information sessions and be open to direction.

August/September To-Do-List
-If you have not already done so, it is imperative that you setup your TigerJobs profile.
-Watch, What is TigerJobs video.
-Read your Career Services weekly Event Letter, beginning September 18 (only students who have an active TigerJobs profile will have access to the Event Letter).
-Strongly consider attending the San Antonio Making Connections event on September 19 - this is THE networking event for students who will have the opportunity to connect with Trinity alumni. Early registration is available via TigerJobs.
-Have your résumé updated and reviewed by a Career Services professional.
-Begin to develop a timeline that incorporates any plans for job searching or graduate school.  Career Services can assist you with timeline planning and the search process.

Additional Information
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Appointments: 210-999-8321

Senior Happy Hour

Tuesday, August 27, 5:15-6:15 p.m. Join us in the Skyline Room for a senior class tradition! Learn how to have a successful and productive year from Trinity staff and alumni.

Residence Hall Check-In:

Upper-class students may move into the residence halls beginning on Sunday, August 25. The Witt Center will be open for check-in from 8:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday, August 28.  Classes begin on Wednesday, August 28.


Interested in living in a single room?
There will be a limited number of single rooms available for upper-class students this year. The cost is an additional $1716.00 per semester. Priority will be determined by student's credit hour (seniors, then juniors, then sophomores). Please contact Lisa Chapa in the Residential Life Office if you would like to be included on a list. Single rooms will be offered beginning August 1.

All Trinity University students are again being offered a special rate at the YMCA, which is walking distance from campus. The rate is $180, due up front, for nine months. That is an excellent value of $20 per month. Sign-up for membership at the Coates University Center Monday through Wednesday, August 26 - 28, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. (Tiger Bucks accepted!). YMCA staff will be on hand to get you enrolled!

Please join Dean of Students David Tuttle for the Sixth Annual Dean of Students Half Marathon Challenge and Kayla Mire Food Drive. The race will be part of the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday, November 17, 2013. If you build up a running/walking base of three to four miles, you can accomplish this milestone! Click here to view a video.
Sign up through the Half Marathon survey link. This does not commit you to the race yet. You are only signing up to express interest in the Trinity training program. Join the Trinity Half Marathon Facebook group too!

When you are ready to commit, do so by registering for the official race as a member of the Trinity team, runners receive a $10 registration discount (select Team Trinity using the dropdown arrow).
Follow the Dean of Students on Facebook.

You will “like” it!

Get ready to compete for the illustrious title of Hallympics champion!  Residence halls will be pitted against one another in a series of three physical and intellectual events.  The games begin on Saturday, August 31 and will run through September 3. Grab a hall-mate and head to the fields.  You don’t want to miss this Trinity tradition!

Coates Caper
Sunday, August 25, 9 p.m. - midnight in the Coates University Center. We’ve got a dance party with cash bar (ID required), karaoke, wax hands, tie-dye, mega-trikes, caricatures, corn hole boards, photos with LeeRoy the Tiger, pizza, cotton candy, nachos, and more. Come on out and meet the Class of 2017!

Feature at the Fountain
Monday, August 26, 9 – 11:30 p.m. Bring a blanket or beach towel and come out to Miller Fountain to watch Now You See Me. Plot: “An FBI agent and an Interpol detective track a team of illusionists who pull off bank heists during their performances and reward their audiences with money.” We’ll have popcorn and cold drinks.

Reading TUgether Lecture
Wednesday, August 28, 7 – 9 p.m. Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee, winner of a 2011 Pulitzer Prize, will speak on his book The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, which documents the first appearances of cancer thousands of years ago through the epic battles in the twentieth century to cure, control, and conquer it.

Fall Student Involvement Fair
Friday, August 30, 8 – 9 p.m. during the opening of the Welcome Week Concert. Register now to secure a table!  Registration ends Monday, August 26. 

Welcome Week Concert
Friday, August 30, 8 – 11:45 p.m. The Student Programming Board is excited to announce our headliner, Bowling for Soup with opening acts by Green River Ordinance and The Well Reds!  "Like" the Student Programming Board Facebook page and answer our trivia questions leading up to the concert.  Guess correctly and you could win a meet-and-greet with Bowling for Soup! NO BAGS OR PURSES ALLOWED; TU IDs will be checked. 

New Welcome Week App
Don’t miss out on any of the fun. Keep track of what’s happening by downloading the Involvio smart phone app for the most up-to-date information. 

Beginning August 22, follow these directions to download the app,
·  Search Involvio in your smart phone carrier’s app store.  
·  Download the free app and sign in through Facebook.  
·  When prompted to Choose a School, search for Trinity University.
·  Under Choose Orientation, select New Student Orientation & Welcome Week.
·  Under Choose Track, select Welcome Week. 
·  RSVP to events and see who else is attending! 

Check out the new Trinity website!
Trinity is currently doing a “soft rollout” of its new website.  The new homepage can be accessed at  The migration of content being retained from the previous Trinity website to the new website is not yet complete, so the links will frequently and temporarily send you to the old site. 

However, by November 8 the new website will be in its completely new form with all new designs, new functionality, new search and fresh content. While no website is ever complete, it will be the fully implemented new Trinity website.  Check it out.  It looks great!

Association of Student Representatives (ASR)
This coming semester, the Association of Student Representatives (ASR) will have senators attend student organization meetings and visit residence halls in order to better understand and address student issues on campus. ASR has been working on some new exciting projects over the summer, including: a new Civic Engagement initiative and some creative events for the fall. Finally, ASR will be hosting a meet and greet early in the semester, hope to see you all there!