Home is where your Dorm is… Not really, Home is ALL of San Antonio
Class of 2014,
Unbelievably enough, here we are again at the end of not just
another semester, but the entire academic year!
In a couple of weeks you will be free to leave your dorms and either go
back home (if you’re from out of town) or stick around a bit longer if you’re
one of the lucky students who secured a job here this summer. My message to you is simple: I invite you to
take the opportunity to explore the city of San Antonio any time you’re within
its boundaries. more>>
Dr. Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Dr. Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal
Your Last Summer?
If I were big on
sports analogies – which I’m not – I’d say we’re rounding third base and
heading for home. In just weeks, you’ll
be finished with your third year at Trinity.
Amazing how quickly time goes by, isn’t it? No more angst about picking a major, no
concerns about getting into a sorority or fraternity, no sales pitches to
parents about the value of a semester abroad.
Instead, you’re probably looking past graduation, planning the next
step, getting excited about grad school or starting that first “real” job. more>>
Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor
Alumni Sponsor
Just Say “Goodbye” for the Summer!
Summer break is right around the corner!
Summer can provide a welcomed respite from the rigors of Trinity life
and offer a time to renew relationships with family and high school friends. It can also put a strain on your Trinity
relationships, however. Whether platonic
or romantic, your Trinity relationships deserve some nurturing over the summer
so that they maintain connectedness and momentum. more>>
Plan NOW to be involved in the fall!
Team Trinity Move-in Crew
Per our annual tradition students are invited to participate in move-in day for new students. Student volunteers will be required to arrive by 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 21 to move in new students on Thursday morning, August 22. If you are interested, regardless of ability, please consider joining others by signing up through the Team Trinity survey link.
Half Marathon
Please join Dean Tuttle for the Sixth Annual Dean of Students Half Marathon Challenge and Kayla Mire Food Drive. The race will be part of the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday, November 17, 2013. By registering for the official race as a member of the Trinity team, runners receive a $10 registration discount; in addition if you register before May 1, you also save $25. (select Team Trinity using the dropdown arrow)
Sign up through the Half Marathon survey link. This does not commit you to the race yet. You are only signing up to express interest in the Trinity training program. If you build up a running/walking base of three to four miles, you can accomplish this milestone! Click here to view a video.

The D.R. Semmes Family YMCA at Tri-Point is again offering special group rates to Trinity University students for 2013-14. If you sign-up by May 24, you will receive one month free in addition to the Student Group Rate. $20 per month, for an incredible rate of $180 per year, minus one month for a total fee of $160! This is due in full upon return to campus in August. Sign up through the YMCA survey link.

The 12th Annual Bright
Futures Award, 3/7-6/12/13, 5 p.m., Online
The Bright
Futures Award is giving Future Teachers Scholarship money for fall semester of
2013. Bright Horizons believes the profession of Early Childhood Education
deserves more respect and support. It is their hope that this scholarship will
be a way to encourage students of great promise to continue pursuing their
dreams of teaching young children. The scholarships range from $250-$1,000 for
full-time students pursing degrees in Early Childhood Education or in a related
field. Students must have completed 60 credits of their Bachelor’s degree
program or have been accepted into a Master level program. Students can apply
online at www.brighthorizons.com/scholarship. The deadline for students to apply is 6/12 by 5 p.m.
InternInSanAntonio Spring Fair, 4/27/13 (Sat), 2-5 p.m., Grantham Center at Tri Point Y
Come visit with 50+ local startups, small businesses, and nonprofits offering more than 500 summer internships (mostly paid). To learn more visit TigerJobs.
Consulting Career Connection, 5/14/13 (Tues), 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., Online
This free webinar is for students who want to learn what consultants wish they knew in their first year as a consultant. Topics to be addressed include: project work, learning, growing, and contributing, making the most of evaluations and feedback, cultural issues, including work/life balance, mentoring, and career planning, on-the-job training and more formal education, longer term prospects for advancement and development. Registration for this event is required. Register here.
Making Connections Arizona, 5/23/13
(Thurs), 6:30-8:30 p.m., 4646 East Van Buren #100 Phoenix, AZ 85008
Students can come and meet
with Trinity alumni from the Arizona area. They can take advantage of the great
networking opportunity provided by the Making Connections program. Over the
years Making Connections has proven to be a successful way for students to
explore career opportunities in various fields and share in the common bond of
Trinity University. Students can register at TigerJobs or contact Arizona
Career Networking Chair, Ray Fox ’78 at ray.fox@baml.com
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Hours: Monday-Friday, 1:30-4 p.m.
Apartment Fair Information: Did you miss the apartment fair last
week? That’s okay, read the Apartment Fair Handout for information about each
apartment (cost, square footage, amenities, etc.) as well as contact
information for each location. You may also want to check out the list of
questions to ask before renting.
And don’t forget to stop by the Witt Center to pick up the freebies you
Yearbooks & Yearbook Portraits: Watch the Trinitonian for yearbook delivery days. If seeing yearbook pictures makes you wish to order copies of your portrait, visit OnealStudios.net to view and purchase pictures. Click on Orange "Order Here" button and then select the Trinity University Gallery. Online code: your last name; Password: TRINITY.