Welcome back
Class of 2014!
Hopefully you are
all settled in and have begun to get to know your new professors and
peers. As a professor, my favorite
activity is to teach. I love being in
class with students who are engaged and excited about their learning
experiences. My second favorite interest
is to serve as a cultural bridge between the university and the community (be
it our city, our state, or our nation).
It is important for me, every semester, to bring the students out to the
community and the community into my classes.
I regularly invite locally and nationally famous artists, musicians,
writers, community activists, and community leaders into my classes and have
students go out into our city to learn more about it and it’s people. This means that I have to keep up with what
is happening inside and outside of the university; and the best way for me to
do this is to volunteer my time.
Eventually, everything comes together nicely (my teaching and my
volunteer work) as I publish my articles and books on contemporary Mexican and
Mexican-American literatures and cultures. more>>
Rita E.
Class Marshal
Welcome to Maturity
August 20th I attended the “Welcome Back” event for your class. As I looked over the group, I was struck by
how different you seem from even the students I saw at the first Sophomore
College gathering last year. And it
occurred to me that the difference is maturity, not only as people, but as members
of the Trinity community. First-year
students usually look bewildered and anxious, clearly uncomfortable in their
surroundings. Sophomores are more
experienced and settled, returning to a familiar place, but still developing a
Trinity identity and laying the groundwork for greater involvement in classes
and on campus. Seniors have one foot out
the door. Their minds often have moved
beyond Trinity. But Juniors are the
mature, productive citizens of the campus. more>>
Alumni Sponsor

ready to run a half marathon with the Dean but, would like to participate in a
cause with another group on campus.
Consider joining Trinity’s MADD Tigers to Walk Like MADD, a 5K walk in Brackenridge Park on October 27 to raise
awareness about drunk or impaired driving in San Antonio.
Sign-up for the YMCA! Students may sign-up for an annual YMCA membership at the Tri-Point YMCA. The fee, due in full, is $180.
Are you concerned about the challenges of eating
on campus? Are the choices
overwhelming? Do you need to know more
about what is available and good for YOU?
Then consider joining a Special Interest Nutrition Group!
Local health authorities are advising that there is increased West Nile Virus activity in Texas. Learn how to protect yourself.
Local health authorities are advising that there is increased West Nile Virus activity in Texas. Learn how to protect yourself.
Sleep: a daily Sabbath
You’ve got two years of college under
your belt. Have your sleep patterns changed while you’ve been here? If so, why?
While at school, do you ever feel sleep-deprived or under-functioning because
your attentiveness tank is running on empty? And are you OK with that, or do
you want to make some changes for yourself this year? Check out the sleep
section at Brain Rules,
and ease into a Sabbath restoration of rest…
How might
Counseling Services assist you this year? Last year we assisted about 13 percent of
Trinity undergrads for a myriad of concerns, the most common being anxiety,
depression, and relationship concerns.
We also provided academic skills coaching to students who needed to
improve their grades. You can have an
initial consultation with one of our three psychologists any weekday afternoon between 3
and 4:30 p.m. during Walk-in Hours for an initial visit (first-come, first-seen) or
you can make an appointment by calling 210-999-7411 or stopping by the office
to speak with the secretary. We’re
located on the second floor of Coates University Center, above the
bookstore. We’re here for you!
to the Junior Year!
Juniors, you have a lot to look forward to and challenges to meet. Many
critical decisions that impact your career choices or graduate school plans occur during
the Junior year. 'Should I
get an internship?' (yes, you
should), 'Should I study abroad?' (hey, we're all about experience), 'Should I
be preparing for my grad school exams?' (if you
plan on applying in your Senior year then, YES). Seriously, a lot of practical
groundwork gets covered in the Junior year, make sure you are staying on top of
it and realize you don't have to do this on your own. That's what Career Services is for. Every month, Career Services hosts numerous programs and events. Stop
by and talk to a career professional. Attend our workshops and information
sessions and be open to inspiration. more>>
Annual Alcohol Notice
Federal guidelines require the University to address alcohol (and associated student issues) annually. Trinity University tries to take a thoughtful approach to alcohol in its philosophy, policies, and procedures. Please review the Alcohol Web page for more information, including policies at other institutions, information about health risks, and campus resource and treatment options. more>>
Celebration and Awareness Week
Volunteer Awareness Week kicks off with a social event hosted by TUVAC on Monday, September 3 followed by a week filled with different events including the Volunteer Fair on September 4, TUVAC Extravaganza on the 5th, and concludes with a large community service event on the 8th. For more information, visit www.trinity.edu/communityservice or by become a friend of TUVAC on Facebook.
Student Involvement Fair, 8/24/12 (Fri), 7-8 p.m., Baseball Field
Federal guidelines require the University to address alcohol (and associated student issues) annually. Trinity University tries to take a thoughtful approach to alcohol in its philosophy, policies, and procedures. Please review the Alcohol Web page for more information, including policies at other institutions, information about health risks, and campus resource and treatment options. more>>
In the
best interest of student safety, Trinity University has a student Missing Person Policy. Please refer to the Residential Life Policies & Procedures Web page or Student Success Web page.
The Dog Jurgens
Watch for details for the September 11 event featuring reflections by the sister and brother-in-law of Paul Jurgens, the namesake of our puppy. Contact Katharine Martin at Katharine.martin@trinity.edu for more details and to walk Jurgens in September. Jurgens leaves us in October for good! There will be a good-bye reception and roast in early October to send her off.
Milk N’ Cookies with CCI is Back! Join CCI every Thursday from 3:30-4:30 p.m. for warm cookies and milk.
Insure your things…
Trinity University is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property. While most student possessions are covered by family plans, National Student Services, Inc. offers a low premium/low deductible option that is often attractive to students and families.
Trinity University is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property. While most student possessions are covered by family plans, National Student Services, Inc. offers a low premium/low deductible option that is often attractive to students and families.
The Dog Jurgens
Watch for details for the September 11 event featuring reflections by the sister and brother-in-law of Paul Jurgens, the namesake of our puppy. Contact Katharine Martin at Katharine.martin@trinity.edu for more details and to walk Jurgens in September. Jurgens leaves us in October for good! There will be a good-bye reception and roast in early October to send her off.
Milk N’ Cookies with CCI is Back! Join CCI every Thursday from 3:30-4:30 p.m. for warm cookies and milk.
Leadership Programs Open House
Learn about
curricular and co-curricular leadership programs on campus at the Leadership Programs
Open house on Wednesday, September 12 during SUPER NACHO HOUR from 3:30-4:30
p.m. in Coates Lobby. more>>
Celebration and Awareness Week
Trinity Diversity
Connection (TDC) will hold its annual Celebration and Awareness Week (CAW) from
September 10-14. Please look for more information on TDC’s blog.
Multicultural Retreat
Join Trinity
Diversity Connection (TDC) and Southwestern University for an overnight
multicultural retreat in New Braunfels, TX on Friday, September 7 and 8.
Workshops will cover different aspects of diversity and allyship.
Transportation, lodging, and food will be provided. Please contact Soi
Inthavong, sinthavo@trinity.edu, to sign up. Deadline to sign up is
Wednesday, August 29, 2012.
Volunteer Awareness Week kicks off with a social event hosted by TUVAC on Monday, September 3 followed by a week filled with different events including the Volunteer Fair on September 4, TUVAC Extravaganza on the 5th, and concludes with a large community service event on the 8th. For more information, visit www.trinity.edu/communityservice or by become a friend of TUVAC on Facebook.
Student Involvement Fair, 8/24/12 (Fri), 7-8 p.m., Baseball Field
Learn how you can get involved on campus. College life goes beyond the classroom and dorm room experience. Come see for yourself as 80+ student organizations represent! R.S.V.P. not required.
University Phones: All residence hall students must keep University provided phones
plugged in at all times in order for the University’s emergency 911 system to
be successful. If your phone is not
functioning properly, please call the ITS Help Desk at extension 7409.