April 2012

Dear Class of 2014,

At this point in our nation’s history, obtaining a college education is not a right, but a privilege accorded to very few.  All of you are among the fortunate who have made it to college.  With hard work from you, your loved ones, your peers, and your academic community you have managed to be almost done with your sophomore year.  We all know that you have faced some challenges along the way but that you have also learned valuable lessons to get you through it all.  more>>


Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Class Marshal 

Backward Thinking

When you get to be my age (yes, you will), you’ll spend a lot of time thinking about “back in the day.”  But when you’re finishing your sophomore year, your eyes are fixed firmly on “now,” with an occasional glance up the road at “the future.”  That’s the way it should be.  There’s lots of time for retrospection later.  Even now, though, you shouldn’t miss the chance to engage in a little backward thinking.  more>>

Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor

Newly Elected ASR President and Vice President

Alternative Spring Break 2012 - Dominica

Student Organization Training 2012 is around the corner - Sunday, April 15.
This year's format is different than previous years based on feedback from YOU. Please be sure to thoroughly read this e-mail and visit the Student Organization Training Web site. As the outgoing leadership for your organization, you are responsible for passing this along to newly elected officers and ensuring they register appropriately. Presidents and officers must register by midnight on Monday, April 9more>> 

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
It’s often hard to know how to respond to a sexual assault survivor, but two things are of critical importance.  First, an empathic response that communicates your concern will show the survivor that you are willing to listen nonjudgmentally and offer support throughout the healing process.  You will want to communicate that the assault is not the survivor’s fault and that you are available to talk at any time.  Second, it is essential for a sexual assault survivor to have as much control as possible in handling the events following the assault.  This pertains to everything from how much information s/he chooses to share with you to decisions about whether to take any disciplinary or judicial action about the assault.  For more information about helping a survivor, click here, and visit Trinity’s Sexual Assault Web site. Survivors of sexual assault may wish to make an appointment with a counselor at Counseling Services.

The University Standards Committee meets annually to review, revise, and update 
Trinity University policies. Student representatives to the committee are Logan Walsh, Joseph Moore, and Kelly Wilson. Major revisions of policy often take a lot of time and require involvement of many. If you have such ideas to propose, please start now by contacting these students or Dean of Students, David Tuttle at dtuttle@trinity.edu. Any ideas are welcome from the community.

ARAMARK Dining Services is thrilled to announce that our RFoC Mabee Dining Hall is now a member of the San Antonio ¡Por Vida! Program. By participating, our residential dining facility will provide students and faculty valuable information allowing them to make healthier food choices.  more>>

-By Reverend Stephen Nickle
Faith informing service, informing faith, informing.... Three Christian fellowships mounted mission trips over spring break: Reformed University Fellowship journeyed to Laredo, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship journeyed to Arkansas, and The Well journeyed to the Dominican Republic!  Click on the above links to view photos and read more about the journeys. 

Summer/Part-Time Job Fair
Wednesday, April 11, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Coates Plaza
Want to boost your resume, gain experience in the work place, and earn some summer money?  Stop by the Job Fair to meet face-to-face with recruiters from a variety of organizations looking to fill summer or part-time openings!  Please dress professionally and bring copies of your resume.  You’ll find a complete list of attending employers in TigerJobs.

National Student Employment Week (NSEW) Reception
Monday, April 16, 3 – 4 p.m., Fiesta Room
Student assistants, you and your supervisor are invited to this reception to recognize the valuable contributions you make to Trinity University.  Refreshments will be served, and even if you’re busy during this time, feel free to stop by and grab some goodies on the go.