Class Marshal - November 2013

Dear Class of 2014,

Happy Halloween and Día de los Muertos/Day of the Dead to you all. These happen to be two of my favorite holidays and although the second one might sound a little macabre, it is actually about celebrating life.

On November 2, many Latina/o households and businesses construct and decorate altars to their dearly departed. There, they place colorful cloth or paper with photographs, beautiful flowers, candles, holy water, favorite drinks (including small amounts of alcohol if their loved ones enjoyed this in life), food, sweet bread, and anything else that helps in their remembrance. 

The basic idea is that our loved ones who have passed away will visit with us to happily partake of everything placed on the altars. The visit begins at midnight on November 1, and all throughout the next day.

San Antonio, being the most Latino city in our country, has many celebrations during this week. Here's a link:

Notice that there are special events designed specifically for people your age. I hope you take a chance to leave our campus and celebrate being alive. Happy living everyone!

Rita Urquijo-Ruiz

Class Marshal