Alumni Sponsor - December 2013

Land’s End

        Land’s end.  It’s not just the name of a clothing company.  The term is used in sailing to refer to that last bit of terra firma you encounter.  You can hug the coastline only so long if you’re on a transoceanic voyage before committing yourself to the open ocean.  You’re almost at the “land’s end” of your academic travels. 
        In just weeks the final exams will be finished, the holidays will be upon us, and you will leave your penultimate semester at Trinity and enter the ultimate one.  I hope it truly is an “ultimate” semester, and not just the last one.  Commit yourself to make it memorable.  List the things you haven’t done at Trinity and in San Antonio that you really want to do before you set off.  Been meaning to go to the rodeo some year?  Go now.  Thought you probably should attend Vespers at least once?  Don’t wait.  Wanted to thank your English professor for introducing you to the literature of Toni Morrison?  Do it.  Sail off with no regrets, nothing undone.  You have some time left, but it’s fleeting.  And when it’s gone, it’s gone.
        On that day in May when the cap and gown comes off and the photos with family and friends all have been taken, you’ll leave the comfort of what you’ve known and try new things.  Provision yourself well during your ultimate semester.  Seek out Trinity alumni who can introduce you professionally and socially in your new surroundings.  Have a plan that goes beyond “take a graduation road trip.” 
        You’re nearing your “land’s end,” but if you’ve prepared, the journey to your next destination can be fun and rewarding.  The holidays present a great opportunity to take stock of what’s left to do, so use it.  It may be the last time for a very long time that you have that kind of break to just think and plan.  Enjoy the holidays to the fullest, and be thankful for the opportunities you’ve had – and the ones you have ahead.

Geary Reamey
Alumni Sponsor